What do love the most about living on the island?
It’s so hard to pin point what I love the most about the island. I find the island very grounding. Soller is surrounded by the most magical mountains and only 10 mins from the ocean. The mountains have special energy that feels protective and safe.
What has your journey been like deciding to live in Mallorca and call it home?
We decided to move to Mallorca for my husband, he was doing a project here. But for years before that Magnus and I talked about moving out of London. I wanted to live near the mountains and he wanted to live near the sea. When the project in Mallorca came up and Magnus mentioned moving here, i started packing my bags immediately. I didn’t really know the island, we already had our two boys but I just knew that living in Mallorca would be so beautiful for us and that’s where we need to be.
Has your personal style changed since moving to Mallorca?
I think my personal style has changed a little bit since living here but not necessarily because of living in the island, it’s probably because I’m maturing as a woman. I’m no longer a raver child , like I was in my 20’s. I still loving wearing colour and unique pieces but I wear a lot more natural fibres now and I unfortunately had to ditch all my platform shoes to shoes that are more forgiving on the cobblestone.
Summer is on the way for you, what are some words that best describe a Mallorca summer to you?
Sweaty, salty and joyful.

Take us to your favourite places?
My favourite place on the island is Bar Bodega in Biniariax. This cafe feels like home. Katya who owns the place, is an absolute ray of sunshine. From my house it’s a 20mim walk through the lovely streets of Biniariax, along the mountains, surrounded by orange and olive trees.
There is always a vibe at Bar Bodega, be it in the morning, when the sun is still coming out from behind the mountains and the bird are singing and you can have your coffee in peace. Or on the weekends when people are having a laugh and eating delicious lunch, kids playing around and the sun is shining. Pure bliss.
There is an ice cream place at Port de Soller called the Beach House. It’s nothing fancy but the ice cream is the best on the boardwalk (in my opinion). During the summer, the boys and I go there nearly everyday for a little treat between dips in the ocean.
When do you feel most yourself?
I think I feel most myself when I’m with my children.
What's your favourite colour and why?
My favourite colour is yellow. It’s a happy colour. The colour of the sun.

Do you have treasured or sentimental pieces of jewellery that someone gave to you, or that you bought for yourself? Can you tell us about the piece and what it means to you?
I have a few sentimental pieces, my mother gave me the most beautiful pearl and diamond ring for my birthday a few years ago. Every time I wear it, it reminds me of her. It’s very elegant.
Before I had my two boys, I lost 2 children. I had a necklace made with a plate that said “sesame” on it for my babies.
My friend Staz gifted me a ring that says MUM. It's big and chunky and has fake diamonds on it, it’s 3 sizes to big but it’s one of my favourite rings.
How did you start sewing? What are you working on at the moment?
During covid my husband bought me a sewing machine for my birthday. He was working with some fabrics for his art work and gave me all his scraps, so made a little blanket for my son Cosmo. I didn’t really think anything of it but when we were in Australia a year ago, I was feeling low and lost, so started sewing again. I made a few quilts which I love making, they felt like security blankets. At the moment I’m working on some blankets here and hoping to do a little show at my friends gallery in Mallorca.

Our new collection is called ‘Amourette'. Which is an unreasoning love or attraction, an infatuation - What is something you’ve learned about love over the years?
I love love. Love makes our hearts and souls sing. Falling in love is the nicest feeling. It can be a short little love, it can be a love with a place or an object but it still makes you smile.
Don’t be afraid to fall in love.
Love can be shown in lots of different ways.